The story of the Barton Creek Greenbelt is known by few. For the first time in digital format, we gather together the history of the people and events critical to the preservation of this unique natural resource. The story is a fascinating chronicle of courage, ingenuity, tenacity and luck. This project is a gift to the people of Austin.
Explore the Barton Creek interactive timeline—rich with archival photos & documents, newspaper clippings and quotes from citizens of the day. The timeline is a deep dive into the history of Barton Creek, connecting common themes from the 1950s up to the present day.
Encounter Barton Creek enthusiasts, including artists, scientists, bikers, swimmers, climbers, hikers, cavers, a park ranger, all of whom engage meaningfully with the Greenbelt in their own personal ways (or on their own personal terms). You’ll meet them via the Timestream’s interactive map, which is also filled with fascinating Barton Creek historical tidbits.
Discover the highlights and major turning points in Barton Creek history through this insightful essay by environmental journalist Daryl Slusher, himself a major force in Barton Creek advocacy over decades.
Meet and be inspired by the many Stewards who share their personal stories of sacrifice and stubborn dedication to preserve Barton Creek.