Barton Creek Activist Presents Trail of Broken Promises

Environmental Attorney Joe Riddell (Austin American-Statesman, April 20, 1981)

Environmental Attorney Joe Riddell
Austin American-Statesman, April 20, 1981

April 1981

With city council elections right around the corner, Attorney Joe Riddell brings to light environmental damage along Barton Creek at the hands of current city leadership & developers, despite existing protections.

I also figured out a hike that could be taken to show people how promises had been broken over the years, promises to protect Barton Creek and Barton Springs had been broken by the errant city staff or by developers and I called that the Trail of Broken Promises.

— Environmental Attorney Joe Riddell


Supporting Documents

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A History of Grassroots Efforts

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A Chronology of Human Impacts on Barton Creek