Goals Program Assembly Maps Citizen Participation
Dick Lillie with WeCare Austin (Austin American-Statesman, October 18, 1972)

Dick Lillie with WeCare Austin
Austin American-Statesman, October 18, 1972


City Planning Director Dick Lillie launches a citizen-driven initiative to guide the drafting of Austin's new master plan. The results of the "Goals Assembly" reflected environmental priorities of newly-formed groups like WeCare Austin, including the protection of sensitive areas like Barton Creek. Participants later expressed frustration that their concerns were not sufficiently incorporated into the final master plan, The Austin Tomorrow Plan.  

We laid out the whole process of what the Goals Program would be and in effect what we wanted it to be was oriented to the individual citizen, you. Not oriented to the Chamber of Commerce, not oriented to the home builder, not oriented to the society of engineers, but individual citizens to come in and just tell us what they had on their mind....This would be a first time where a city government would take the initiative to do that.

— City Planner Dick Lillie


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A Chronology of the Institutionalization of Environmental Values